
Showing posts from December, 2020

How I Split My Compost Worm Bins Up So They Won't Go Dormant ( Winter, 2020)

Throughout both my successes and my failures at raising my European nightcrawlers , I've noticed that there is always one consistent thing:  My Compost Worms Go Dormant In The Winter Or at least I think they do.  Every blog that I read says that they do.  As does every video that I watch about "Preparing Vermicompost Bins for Cold Weather." But Do They Really Actually Go Dormant? Even though my European Nightcrawlers are " just worms," and very simple organisms in the grand scheme of things they ARE very sensitive to all changes in their environment. Not just the temperature. The amount of food and space available to sustain a growing colony changes in colder months. It doesn't take very long for them to realize these changes and the colony will self-regulate to keep from growing overcrowded, hungry, and cold on top of it all. I think that the colony regulating seems like dormancy, but I also think it can be avoided in my bins this Winter because: I Have Ful...